Danny Dructor, executive vice president of American Loggers Council, will provide an in-woods biomass industry perspective during the Wood Bioenergy Conference & Expo in Atlanta. Dructor will address the status of the logging ranks, how loggers have taken to new markets in wood energy, and how the logging industry is more than holding its own against encroachment from environmental groups. Dructor will be part of an opening day panel entitled: Industry Activism: Keeping the Environmentalists at Bay. |

The panel will also include Brian Rogers, spokesperson of Future Forests + Jobs, which is a new initiative of the U.S. Industrial Pellet Assn. Rogers will speak about “Combating Misinformation Against Renewable Biomass Energy.”

Also on the panel is Rich Vlosky, director of the Louisiana Forest Products Development Center, who will address “Community Environmental, Economic and Social Perceptions about Pellet Producers in the U.S. South.”